The Komodo global impact report: School wellbeing trends in 2023
The Komodo global impact report: School wellbeing trends in 2023
*Statistics in this article represent the findings in the last twelve months of data collected from schools around the world that have used Komodo surveys with their students January 1st - December 12th 2023.
As we navigate through the complexities of a rapidly changing world, the state of student wellbeing stands as a crucial and dynamic aspect that requires our attention. The intersection of academic learning and socio-emotional development that occurs in the school setting plays a pivotal role in shaping the experience and developmental trajectory of students globally. The past few years, marked by unprecedented challenges, have cast a spotlight on the need to prioritize the wellbeing of students. We know from research that young people are at increased risk of mental distress and difficulties between 11-14 years old and that in addition to this, mental distress is more likely at times of physical, emotional and social change. That being said, we can understand why the school environment has become more of a focal point for wellbeing support and intervention.
At Komodo Wellbeing, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on students' lives and establishing the benchmark for school-wide wellbeing on a global scale. This overarching objective is the driving force behind all our interactions and decisions and is a mission we are privileged to be a part of. Within this, we acknowledge that regular self-reported wellbeing data is a key factor that can enable school staff to be effective and efficient in their wellbeing support and proactive planning with students.
As we approach the end of 2023, it's a fitting time to reflect on the wealth of knowledge we've gained from our collaboration with Komodo schools spanning 22 countries. From Macau to the Cayman Islands, and Kuwait to Peru, our global reach has allowed us to identify similar strengths and difficulties across many of our schools.
In the past 12 months, Komodo has sent out over 467,000 wellbeing surveys globally across 22 countries. From these surveys, Komodo software has generated:
- Just over 12,800 total wellbeing check-ins were prompted from the Komodo platform. Each of these has provided an opportunity for teachers to be informed of a student’s need for support.
- Of this over 2,800 were student-requested check-ins, meaning students initiated their journey for support and used the Komodo platform to ask their teachers for additional help.
- Additionally, over 9,300 of the total check-ins were generated through Komodo’s intelligent check-in software, designed to analyze individual data and observe shifts in student wellbeing profiles, notifying staff of declines in student wellbeing and prompting a student-teacher check-in.
Our 2022 annual product impact report counted 400 student check-ins in 12 months. In 2023, we have had over 2,800 students use this function. This increase is a brilliant indication of the growth of Komodo into more schools across the globe and students using their voice, taking charge of their wellbeing and using Komodo to expand their wellbeing practices
The Komodo platform offers students a chance to provide additional context on their wellbeing by leaving comments in the Feed section. In addition to the wellbeing check-ins requested, we have observed a significant increase in the number of well-being comments left in the feed. The number of comments has risen from 5,000 in 2022 to just under 32,000 in 2023. It is great to see so many students using the Feed feature to connect further with their teachers.
Thanks to our regular reviews with staff we are able to maintain a consistent understanding of the trends across Komodo schools wellbeing data. For example we continued to see similar wellbeing trends in sleep data, social wellbeing and school climate data. Regardless of age or stage many students across the world struggle with the quality of sleep. We know sleep underpins many areas of wellbeing and academic engagement so this data has proved very useful for our schools who are then able to tailor strategies and initiatives to support sleep hygiene. Interestingly, we also saw global trends in school enjoyment and social interaction. This was an encouraging finding in the post-pandemic world as students re-engage in regular schooling environments and are able to connect with their peers.
It’s been brilliant to see so many schools developing their wellbeing curriculums and processes, engaging proactive initiatives and interventions to see longterm improvement in data from an individual to cohort and school-wide level. We look forward to helping improve more school wide wellbeing practices in 2024!
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